Back to life

9:36 AM , 0 Comments

So much has happened in the last few weeks, and yet, none of it made it to this journal. :(
Each day was a struggle to get through, thanks to, as usual, my health. Merde.

In the last week I had someone I really really like leave to work for someone I have no respect for. I wanted to say so much, but when she told us, I said nothing. I again had the feeling that the way I see things in my head is so much brighter than the way it comes together each day – do you ever get that feeling?

There is always so much to do when a company is growing, and even more to do when although everything you have created is amazing, you know you can create so much more. Sometimes I think “I only have about 45 years where I can contribute, and there’s so much I want to do!”

If I look at the past year, we have come so far, and have grown so much! Not sure if we stopped long enough to recognize that, or to share with the team and celebrate each step. On my list for this coming year.

Glad to be able to work today! I can’t stand it when I am so medicated I can’t even string together one coherent sentence. Nevertheless, today is a new and amazing day, where amazing things will happen, no doubt. Some already have! I wish I could count on having every day, and feel sorry for myself sometimes when whole weeks are spent with the mental capacity of a worm, where my only contribution is making my children laugh at my nonsensical speech. But when I feel well, everything is amazing, and I can’t wait to contribute!

So – here’s to a great today! :)

Filed under: My personal journal

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.