Not the same since he’s #gone

5:05 PM , 0 Comments

Julian, my son, has been gone since June 25. He went to visit his cousins and family in Uruguay. He is having a great time, and I am so happy for him, but the house isn’t the same with him gone.
I am not a clingy parent (or person, for that matter), but I miss having him around, talking to him every day, and seeing the way he makes our home that much more special with what he brings in: personality, projects, friends, ideas… He’s always doing something.
From here, I get to see him the way the outside world sees him, through his photos, his comments… He is an amazing person.
For the first time, he experienced being his own person, living as himself, without the constant influence of his parents or his usual friends. He completely merged into his family’s lives as his own person, and we get to watch him proudly from here, admiring the decisions he is making for himself. I am so very proud of him. I don’t normally write too much about my sons because it is not my story to tell, I want to respect their privacy, but I couldn’t help but share how proud I feel. I look at the photos he takes and can’t believe how talented he is, and how deep his thoughts are.
I can’t wait to see him again in a few days, but I also know that the son coming back is not the son we waved good bye to at the airport. He is much more mature, independent, and established now.
I can’t wait to see him again, and meet him for the first time.
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Filed under: being a mom, My personal journal

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.