
11:26 PM , 0 Comments

I had an amazing day today – very very intense. I had a lot of very important meeting which will determine the course our schools will follow, did research, got half way through our 3 year strategic plan with Mr. President, and had three heart-to-heart conversations. I was so booked all day I had to ask permission to go pee, and only got through a third of my lunch. I’m happy though, because incredible things happened. I got to dream about the curriculum, and plan for new and amazing additions with my team. I got to read 3 research papers on brain development and education, and I got to make a couple of that brought tears to my teammates’ eyes. perfect day :)

Hubby picked me up at 5:30pm, and I was so happy all evening that I couldn’t stop acting like a real clown. I spent time with my boys, had a great family dinner conversation with our sons and friends, took a family photo, cleaned half my fridge, and the list goes on. It was as if my day was twice as long today.

I had a hard time in one of my meetings (and it was supposed to be the easiest, most creative meeting of the day). I had to hear a few very harsh things from one of my teammates, and try very hard to keep my calm and not react. Well, tomorrow is another day :)

I think I will work from home tomorrow, so I can process without interruption all of the things that went on today. Plus, it is summer vacation for my boys, and I want to spend time with them as much as possible, even if only by sharing the same space while I work and they go about enjoying their day.

I have felt the full range of emotions today, from sad to elated. It was a day worth living, and one in which I got to make a difference. Most are, but this one more than the others. Here’s to an even better tomorrow!

good day

Filed under: My personal journal

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.