Business+leadership+strategy: Scaling up

2:35 AM , 0 Comments

I finished this book last week and now will go back, highlight, and apply chapter my chapter.
It’s the new Rockefeller Habits book. I found it better and more user-friendly overall than the Rockefeller Habits. Have not explored new online tools yet, this will come in the implementation part.
A bit hard to grasp if you have no business training, but not hard. If you find it overwhelming, stick with it. You will understand as you go along. The first time I read the Rockefeller Habits, I found that I had to ask my EO friends for help/coaching to understand some of the particulars of the one page plan, for example, but I read it the following year as a review, after having implemented what i actually did understand the first year, and everything made perfect sense. It’s one of those books that is worth re-reading if you decide to use this system for your company. It works for CEFA (for our Franchise Office), have not tried to facilitate a learning events for the individual schools ye, but not sure if all of it would be applicable to them yet, it is pretty heavy duty. I tried to help my husband implement it in his business about 3 years ago, but he didn’t feel comfortable with it. He wanted something much simpler.
Having read his last one too, I agree that if you have not read it, just go straight to this one. The content is similar but there’s more and it’s more user-friendly.
I’ll be happy to give more feedback once I know the particulars of your company, or to answer any questions you may have (or at least find someone who can)!
Just leave a comment if you have questions :)
xo nScalingUp-Harnish-235x300

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.